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  • Writer's pictureJanet

Snapshots of Grace

Today’s Jewel:


Treasure Map Coordinates:

Luke 13:10-13, John 9:1-7, Luke 7:11-17

The gospels are replete with miracles. Countless times, Jesus shows up on the scene and lives are changed forever. In most instances, the healing miracles of Jesus were at the request of an individual.

The miracles of Jesus which most inspire hope in me, however, are the instances when Jesus extended his healing power to those who didn’t even ask for it. These rare miracles are snapshots of grace in its finest fashion.

Luke records the story of a woman who had been crippled for eighteen years. For nearly two decades, this woman was unable to stand up straight. Plagued by a bent back, she saw more sandals and hooves than she did the eyes of their respective owners.

As she was going about her weekly routine, she made her way to the synagogue on the Sabbath. Upon arriving there, Jesus interrupted his teaching to call her forward. There, at the front of the synagogue, with every eye in the room upon her, Jesus healed her. “Immediately she straightened up and praised God” (Luke 13:13). In that moment, she saw the eyes of the One who healed her.

A blind man was also the recipient of a healing neither he nor his parents requested. As was his routine, he was sitting along the roadside when Jesus and his disciples passed by. Plagued by blindness, he sat staring at darkness as he begged passersby he could not even see.

Out of the blue, Jesus bends down to minister healing. Jesus spat on the ground to create mud and then proceeded to place the mud on the man’s eyes. Jesus directed him to go wash in the Pool of Siloam. When he returned, he could see (John 9:7)!

Jesus even raised a young man from the dead as his own funeral procession approached the city gate. This young man, unaware of life itself, was plagued by death and the lifelessness associated with it. The boy’s mother—a widow—was undoubtedly grief-stricken and red-eyed with tears. When Jesus saw her, “his heart went out to her” (Luke 7:13). Jesus touched the coffin and commanded the deceased young man to “Get up” (Luke 7:14)!

Immediately, the young man sat up and began talking. The tears of mourning among the crowd were turned to shouts of praise to God!

The crippled woman didn’t ask Jesus to correct her arched back. The blind man didn’t ask for sight. The widow from Nain didn’t ask Jesus to raise her son from the dead. None of them sought Jesus’ help, yet Jesus chose to extend healing anyway.

These crippled, blind and dead individuals were just going about life as it was. The crippled woman was probably at the synagogue every week. She didn’t go to her place of worship expecting to be healed. The blind man expected to go to bed blind like he had every other day of his life. The widow had accepted the death of her son and was just taking the next necessary step—taking him out for burial.

These individuals were just living life. They were normal days on any count. A blazing light didn’t direct their steps. A voice didn’t guide them to the synagogue or to the road or to the city gate. They were just doing what was normal for them.

I am greatly encouraged by these stories. You see, I have family members who do not follow Jesus. They do not even seek Jesus. Just as Jesus showed up one day and radically transformed the lives of a crippled woman, a blind man and a dead man, he can do the same for my family members (and yours too).

I rejoice knowing God doesn’t just show up for those who ask for him. He pursues mankind! He chooses the right time and place to cross each person’s path so that he might get the most glory.

When individuals encounter Jesus, the result is a life radically transformed.

No longer plagued by crippling sin. No longer blinded by the enemy. No longer spiritually dead. Freedom in Christ, the light of Christ and spiritual vitality shall reign in them! Yes, Lord, let it be!

Until that day, I pray. Fervently. With tears. Pleading for God’s mercy to reign until the day my loved ones are blindsided with an overwhelming love they can not refuse. While my family members aren’t asking for grace to fall upon their lives, I ask on their behalf. I expectantly look forward to their “unexpected day” of spiritual healing!

God of Grace, in faith I praise you for being our salvation! Thank you for the salvation you provide through the gift of your son, Jesus. I find comfort knowing you know what it takes to get the attention of each person. I am grateful for your pursuance of my family. Thank you for hearing my many prayers for them. I rejoice knowing you are working out your plan for them even now. I pray against the enemy who seeks to blind and distract my family members with things of this world, pride, anger and a host of other attacks. You are God and you are bigger than any excuse my family members can offer. My faith and confidence rests in you. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

For Reflection

In what ways has Jesus brought healing to your life?

Maintaining hope can be difficult. What Scriptures do you cling to when all hope seems lost?

Bury that Treasure!

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more (Psalm 71:14).


Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible: The New International Version (NIV)

Study Bible, 10th Anniversary Edition. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society (Zondervan Publishing


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